How to handle employees that want to leave

A growing business may signify a growing number of employees. Hiring and firing become inevitably part of your role as a business leader. However, there comes a time when a key employee wants to leave the business at a time you aren’t prepared for such an exit. What do you do?
Running a business comes with some unforeseen challenges that may arise, however having the right mindset to make a sound decision at every point is crucial.
An employee may want to leave even if they have been treated fairly. You may want to stop them from leaving because of their key role but don’t.
Why you shouldn’t
One reason why you shouldn’t stop an employee from leaving your business is that they desire to. Now, let’s look at the first part of the prodigal son story in the scriptures.
“And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them.”
Luke 15:12
Most times, we overlook the lessons from the beginning part of this powerful story by Jesus. The father of the prodigal son didn’t stop the son from leaving. Certainly, he must have tried to reason with his son why he shouldn’t leave yet, I believe he knew the son was adamant on his decision.
The father’s heart must have been devastated to see his son ask for his share while he is still alive. Besides, he has the authority not to obliged to his prodigal son’s request but he did anyway.
We can learn from this part of the prodigal story, we don’t have to agree with the decisions our employees may take that will affect the business temporarily. However, be willing to let go of any employee who desires to leave your business.
Another reason is, you need employees who choose to work for your business wholeheartedly. Just as God has given us the will to make choices and he presents to us the reward and consequence of each choice we make.
Takeaway: It can be hard not to stop a key employee from leaving your business but you can learn a strong attribute from the father of the prodigal son —to know how to accept other’s decision even when we don’t like it.